An introduction

 A young witch sits before her computer and opens a blog. This blog is not The Beginning; there are neither beginning nor endings to the turning of the wheel of time; but it is a beginning.

(To anyone who recognized that paraphrase, kudos. You have very good taste in books.)

Hello there! As mentioned, I am a witch, and as such I have several names that I go by depending on the situation; on here, I'll go by Reyna. I read tarot, and I'd like to think I'm getting pretty good at it, and so have decided to offer my services to the world.

On a recent foray to the most dangerous store on the planet for a bookworm with limited funds, otherwise known as Chapters, I first clapped eyes on what has since become my favourite tarot deck ever; the Sugar Skull deck by David A. Ross, illustrated by Carolina Martínez. This is the deck that I've been using for pretty much every reading I've done since, and is what I'll be using for my readings here.

On that topic, I should elaborate somewhat on what I'll be doing here. Once a week, on Saturdays, I'll be publishing a horoscope tarot reading. That's a twelve card spread, one card per sign, predicting what the next week will be like for each. Given that this world is so full of so many people, all with wildly different experiences, and that one's sun sign is hardly the only factor to take into account when it comes to matters like this, as well as the simple fact that I'm not nearly as experienced as some of the other psychics and mediums you may encounter in your life, there is no guarantee that these readings will be mind-blowingly accurate. This is a reality that I accept and admit up front.

To avoid confusion down the line, I'd like to make a quick disclaimer, just to clear up any misconceptions before they occur.

Firstly; I'm not a fortune teller. If you go through my posts hoping to see me prophesize about events before they occur, I'm sorry to say you'll be let down. My readings will be vague at best; such is the way with horoscopes, as each sign covers such a wide range of people, and as I said, one sign is only one factor of many that can affect things. My purpose here is to give you, my readers, the general shape of things to come, what you should prepare for, what you should be paying attention to. If, for instance, I get the Tower for your sign, I'll know to tell you that a lot of big changes and upheaval are coming down the line and you ought to brace yourself. That sort of thing.

Secondly; I'm not telling you what to do. If I get a card that suggests you might get lucky in financial matters and then you go invest everything you have into some stock that then plummets and you lose everything, don't blame me. I'm not giving you any instructions; I'm only trying to give you some little insight into the upcoming week to aid you in making an informed and intelligent decision about your own actions and next steps. If you make a bad decision while acting on my advice, it's still your decision, and is thus your responsibility.

Thirdly; I'm not expecting these readings to be 100% accurate (not even close) and neither should you. If something I predicted doesn't come to pass, or if something happens to you that I didn't predict, please don't wave it in my face as some kind of gotcha. First of all, I'm still very new, and I'm doing my best. Second, you aren't the only Libra or Capricorn or whatever sign you are out there; just because it's not accurate to you, personally, doesn't mean it's not accurate to another of your sign.

One last quick thing before I sign off; I also do personal readings for $5-$15 (depending on the spread). If you're interested, the link to that is here. Weekly posts will come out on Saturdays, like I said, but I might do some additional readings between those, so if you want to be notified when I make a post, make sure to subscribe! Thank you so much for reading and I will catch you all next time!


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